Submitted by: Craig Loughery, Public Image Chair
Public image commands that you have a good way to connect with those who see you. This is how they form the image you want them to have of your group.  This is what leads to successful engagement.  As you know, (or we hope you know), our District offers financial help to clubs for new or updated materials.  Plus, as part of this, we specify that to receive help, your project must have a way for the interested public to find out more about YOU- to get in touch with your club. 
Perhaps the most common and effective method, is to have them visit your website and/or Facebook page.  Consider these scenarios:
1.) A realtor pulls up to the curb in front of a house for sale, and the potential buyers with him see a home with older color schemes, overgrown bushes, outdated lawn decorations, and a general lack of updating and maintenance. Bad image, no sale.
2.) You're out in your boat, going to a friends lakehome, and you pull up to their dock. It has worn out dock bumpers, is faded and moldy in spots, and looks very much ready for replacement. Not a good first impression.
3.) You're in the market for a new  set of widgets, and the company's website is still featuring products from two years ago...
See the problem? Is your club guilty of poor website and facebook management? One way to solve that, is have one person, preferably a Board member, handle it, and report at every Board meeting...Or find another solution...
Get a good public image. Get, and STAY, Connected.
Craig Loughery PDG
#5580 Public Image Chair