Submitted by: Craig Loughery, Public Image Chair
WHEREAS, the vast majority or people have heard of, or seen signs of, Rotary; and WHEREAS, Most people are unaware of what Rotarians actually do, in their communities and around the world; and WHEREAS this problem, which hinders membership growth and financial capabilities, is now widely recognized by many members, and the leadership of Rotary; THEREFORE, it is resolved and in action, that District 5580 is actively LEADING THE WAY in supporting individual clubs in promoting their Public Image with financial assistance, where appropriate and feasible..
Yep... District 5580 is actively helping individual clubs, and groups of clubs in close proximity to each other, by providing  guidance, suggestions, and financial assistance for the following:
1.) Tri-fold style brochures, with info about your club, which make terrific handouts to the public; these should be used at events and with sold items (such as roses, oranges, etc)
2.) Newspaper supplements focusing on your club's contributions to the community, plus details about Rotary in general
3.) Encouragements to increase, update, and make interesting, Social Media outlets, such as Websites and Facebook, etc..
4.) Provide billboards, in areas where there are several clubs in near proximity (to justify large expense)
5.) Making PSA's (Public Service Announcements) available to be used by local stations.  To hear an example click HERE
Although we have a limited budget, it is our intent to assist as many clubs with their projects as possible- The District will financially support costs up to 50% of new or vastly updated materials.  There are two requirements for any item, tho; 1.)  Each page of any printed material must contain some method by which the reader can directly contact your club-  preferably listing a website or Facebook address, invitation to a meeting, or name and number of a club contact person;  and 2.) the Four Way Test must be included in the material.  Also, being on a budget, it's "First Come, First Served."
The purpose, is to let people know who we are, what we do, and how they can get involved!   WE have funds available, don't be afraid to ask. Call me at 218-365-4841 or email