Initiatives Overview
- Empowering Girls
- Grow Rotary – Each One, Bring One
- Rotary Days of Service
- Areas of Focus Presidential Conferences
Empowering Girls
Equality is a fundamental human right that's critical in order to have a peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable world. Still, girls and women worldwide face inequities in areas including health and education, and they experience significant violence and disproportionate poverty. Rotary encourages clubs and districts to prioritize projects that improve the health, well-being, education, and economic security of girls in their communities and around the world. Develop a club-based initiative, a district grant, or a global grant that engages members of your community in a project that will protect and empower girls. Work to increase equity by ensuring their access to resources that will improve their lives.
Grow Rotary – Each One, Bring One
When we grow Rotary by welcoming new members, we can achieve more. This means expanding our service and increasing the impact of our projects, as well as building an awareness and understanding of Rotary in our communities.
In 2021-22, we're focused on expanding our reach and enhancing engagement, with a goal of achieving and sustaining a global Rotary club membership of 1.3 million and a Rotaract club membership of 300,000. Each of us was given an extraordinary gift when we were proposed for membership in Rotary. We each have an opportunity to extend that gift to others who can benefit from Rotary and help us increase our impact. If each of us sponsors just one new member between now and 30 June 2022, we'll have no difficulty reaching our goals.
Rotary Days of Service
Hands-on volunteer experiences strengthen our communities. We encourage clubs to offer meaningful volunteer opportunities for families and partner organizations to address challenges in your community that are related to one or more of our areas of focus. Make it easy for community members to see us as people of action, and encourage them to take action with us, regardless of their profession or their affiliation with Rotary.
A curated list of United Nations observances can help your club plan service activities around global themes. After your event, share details about it by posting photos and videos to Rotary Showcase and using the tag ServiceDay2021.
Areas of Focus Presidential Conferences
Plan to attend a presidential conference that explores the intersections of our areas of focus. The 2021-22 presidential conference series will highlight the humanitarian work that Rotary clubs and districts pioneer locally and support globally: